Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Win FREE Callaway FT-5 Tour Driver and Iron Set. US only

Win a FREE Callaway FT-5 Tour Driver and Iron Set. US only. Click here for eligibility details

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Pick Up Golf

If you're looking to pick up golf, here is a golf resource you can use to learn the entire game.

Please click the link below to see it immediately:

"The Beginner's Guide To Golf" is the *perfect* guide for you to pick up golf with...

In fact - you'll learn exactly how to play golf faster and better in just the next few minutes, even if you're a complete beginner!

I've personally learned A LOT from this simple step-by-step guide, even though I knew nothing about golf before.

I'm now playing and enjoying the game tremendously, and you will too.

Check this out and try it, you'll love it: